Mark Thompson



Brown A, Fishenden J, Thompson M (2014). Digitizing Government., Palgrave Macmillan UK DOI.

Journal articles

Thompson M, Faik I, Walsham G (2019). Designing for ICT-Enabled Openness in Bureaucratic Organizations: Problematizing, Shifting and Augmenting Boundary Work. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 20  Abstract. DOI.
Brown A, Fishenden J, Thompson M, Venters W (2017). Appraising the impact and role of platform models and Government as a Platform (GaaP) in UK Government public service reform: Towards a Platform Assessment Framework (PAF). Government Information Quarterly, 34(2), 167-182.  Abstract. DOI.
Thompson M, Komoporozos-Athanasiou A, Fotaki M (2017). Performing accountability in health research: a socio-spatial framework. Human Relations, 71(9), 1264-1287. DOI.
Thompson M, Willmott H (2016). The social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practice. HUMAN RELATIONS, 69(2), 483-506. Author URL. DOI.
thompson M, Komporozos-Athanasiou A (2015). The role of emotion in enabling and conditioning public deliberation outcomes: a macro-level analysis. Public Administration, 93(4), 1138-1151. DOI.
thompson M (2014). Similarity and Difference: the shared ontology and diverse epistemologies of practice theory. A review of. Davide Nicolini (2012) Practice Theory, Work & Organization: an Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (PB, pp. 320, US$40.50, ISBN 978-0199231591). Ephemera
Fishenden J, Thompson M (2013). Digital government, open architecture, and innovation: Why public sector it will never be the same again. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 23(4), 977-1004.  Abstract. DOI.
Thompson M (2012). People, practice, and technology: Restoring Giddens' broader philosophy to the study of information systems. INFORMATION AND ORGANIZATION, 22(3), 188-207. Author URL. DOI.
Thompson M, Walsham G (2010). ICT Research in Africa: Need for a Strategic Developmental Focus. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT, 16(2), 112-127. Author URL. DOI.


Günther Arianne W, Thompson M, Mayur, P J, Polykarpou S (2023). Algorithms as Co-Researchers: Exploring Meaning and Bias in Qualitative Research. In Simeonova B, Galliers RD (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Qualitative Digital Research, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 211-228.  Abstract. DOI.
Komporozos-Athanasiou A, Thompson M (2015). The Social Spaces of Accountability in Hybridized Healthcare Organizations. In  (Ed) Managing Change, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 206-221. DOI.
thompson M, Holgeid K (2013). A reflection on why large projects fail. In  (Ed) The governance of large-scale projects: linking citizens and the state, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 219-244.


Thompson M (2023). Public Sector Innovation Conference 2023 Chair's Summary. Digital Leaders Public Sector Innovation Conference 2023. RSA, London. 14th - 14th Mar 2023
Thompson M (2019). "The death of the vertical! What transforming really means.". Transformation through Technology Conference, 24 May 2012, the Barbican, London, UK. London.
Pujadas R, Thompson M, Venters W, Wardley S (2019). Building situational awareness in the age of service ecosystems. 27th European Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems for a Sharing Society. Stockholm. 8th - 14th Jun 2019  Abstract.
Thompson M (2019). Chair's opening remarks. 13th Annual National Digital Conference. London.
Thompson M, Holgeid K, Stray V, Krogstie J (2018). Strategizing for Successful IT Projects in the Digital Era. International Research Workshop on IT Project Management 2018, Association for Information Systems AIS. San Francisco.  Abstract.
Thompson M (2017). Chair's opening remarks. 12th Annual National Digital Conference. London.
Thompson M (2016). Chair's opening remarks. ND16: Building the Nation's Digital DNA. London.
Thompson M (2015). Digital: Chair's opening remarks. 10th annual National Digital Conference (ND15). London.
Thompson M (2014). "Digital and the forthcoming election.". How Technology can Reinvent Government, Policy Exchange Media Roundtable, 4 April 2014, London, UK. London.
Thompson M (2014). "Embracing platforms (Chair and opening remarks).". Govnet Government ICT 2014 Conference, 14 January 2014, QEII Conference Centre, London, England. London.
Thompson M (2014). "Preparing for political change.". SOCITM Spring Conference, 9 April 2014, the Barbican, London, UK. London.
Thompson M, Komporozos-Athanasiou A (2014). A performative framework for measuring accountability in healthcare organizations. Biennial International Conference in Organisational Behaviour in Health Care (9th), 23-25 April 2014. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark. 23rd - 23rd Apr 2014
Thompson M, Komporozos-Athanasiou A (2014). Using affect theory to conceptualise emotion in patient and public involvement. EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, July 3–5, 2014. Rotterdam. 3rd - 5th Jul 2014
Thompson M (2013). "Developing digital capacity (Chair and opening/closing remarks).". Digital Leaders' Conference, 3-4 December 2013, Microsoft UK, London, England. Lodon.
Thompson M (2013). "Digital government and platform.". Digital Panel, Conservative Party Conference, 29 September 2013, Manchester, UK. Manchester.
Thompson M (2013). "Digital government and platforms.". Digital Panel, Labour Party Conference, 23 September 2013, Brighton, UK. Brighton.
Thompson M (2013). "Going digital (Chair and opening/closing remarks).". National Digital Conference, 11-12 June 2013, Congress Centre, London, England. London.
Thompson M (2013). "Public ICT for the future (Chair and opening remarks).". Govnet Government Technology 2.0 Conference, 25 September 2013, QEII Conference Centre, London, England. London.
Thompson M (2013). "The death of the vertical: government's new IT strategy (Keynote).". Transforming the Public Sector and Focusing on Growth: E-government Conference (Boussias Conferences), 16 May 2013, Athens, Greece. Athens.
Thompson M (2012). "Digital government, open architecture, and innovation: why nothing can be the same again." In. the Charity and Finance Directors Association (CFDG) Annual IT Conference. Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK. London.
Thompson M (2012). "The death of the vertical! Grasping cloud's implications for the public sector.". Govnet Next Steps for Government ICT Conference, 13 September 2012, QE11 Conference Centre, London, UK. London.
Thompson M (2012). Doing business with SMEs. HM Government Public Procurement Briefing 2012: Driving a Culture of Innovation and Enterprise with SMEs. Lodon.
Thompson M (2012). Keynote panel discussion with Lord Freud, Paula Venellis (Chief Executive of the Post Office) and Lord Erroll on public sector organisational reform.". Go On: ND2012, National Digital Conference (7th), 30-31 May 2012, Old Billingsgate, London, UK. London. 30th - 31st May 2012
Thompson M (2011). "Digital government, open architecture, and innovation: why nothing can be the same again.". SOCITM (Society of Information Technology Management) Conference, 1 December 2011, Birmingham NEC, Birmingham, UK. Birmingham.
Thompson M (2010). Ontological creep within organisation studies: the case of communities of practice. EGOS Colloquium, 26th, 28 June-3 July 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. Lisbon. 28th Jun - 3rd Jul 2010


Thompson M (2011). Additional Written Evidence. Government and IT— “a recipe for rip-offs”: time for a new approach. House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee. London, House of Commons
Thompson M, Maxwell L, Fishenden J, Heath W, Sowler J, Rowlins P, Wardley S (2010). Better for Less: How to make British government IT save money., Network for the Post-Bureaucratic Age Author URL.
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Blog articles