Journal articles
Thompson M, Faik I, Walsham G (2019). Designing for ICT-Enabled Openness in Bureaucratic Organizations: Problematizing, Shifting and Augmenting Boundary Work.
Journal of the Association for Information Systems,
20 Abstract:
Designing for ICT-Enabled Openness in Bureaucratic Organizations: Problematizing, Shifting and Augmenting Boundary Work.
There is a growing focus on achieving ‘openness’ in the design and transformation of organizations, in which the enabling role of ICTs is considered increasingly central. However, bureaucratic organizations with rigid structures continue to face significant challenges in moving towards more open forms of organizing. In this paper, we contribute to our understanding of these challenges by building on existing conceptualizations of openness as a form of boundary work that transforms by challenging both internal and external organizational boundaries. In particular, we draw on a performative view derived from actor-network theory to analyze a case study of ICT-based administrative reforms in a judicial system. Building on our case analysis, we develop a typology of the various roles that ICTs can play in both enabling and constraining ongoing boundary work within the context of their implementation. We thus present a view of ICT-enabled open organizing as a process where ICTs contribute to problematizing, shifting, and augmenting ongoing boundary work. This view highlights the inherently equivocal nature of the role of ICTs in transformations towards higher levels of openness.
Brown A, Fishenden J, Thompson M, Venters W (2017). Appraising the impact and role of platform models and Government as a Platform (GaaP) in UK Government public service reform: Towards a Platform Assessment Framework (PAF).
Government Information Quarterly,
34(2), 167-182.
Appraising the impact and role of platform models and Government as a Platform (GaaP) in UK Government public service reform: Towards a Platform Assessment Framework (PAF).
The concept of “Government as a Platform” (GaaP) (O'Reilly, 2009) is coined frequently, but interpreted inconsistently: views of GaaP as being solely about technology and the building of technical components ignore GaaP's radical and disruptive embrace of a new economic and organisational model with the potential to improve the way Government operates – helping resolve the binary political debate about centralised versus localised models of public service delivery. We offer a structured approach to the application of the platforms that underpin GaaP, encompassing not only their technical architecture, but also the other essential aspects of market dynamics and organisational form. Based on a review of information systems platforms literature, we develop a Platform Appraisal Framework (PAF) incorporating the various dimensions that characterise business models based on digital platforms. We propose this PAF as a general contribution to the strategy and audit of platform initiatives and more specifically as an assessment framework to provide consistency of thinking in GaaP initiatives. We demonstrate the utility of our PAF by applying it to UK Government platform initiatives over two distinct periods, 1999–2010 and 2010 to the present day, drawing practical conclusions concerning implementation of platforms within the unique and complex environment of the public sector.
Thompson M, Komoporozos-Athanasiou A, Fotaki M (2017). Performing accountability in health research: a socio-spatial framework.
Human Relations,
71(9), 1264-1287.
Thompson M, Willmott H (2016). The social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practice.
69(2), 483-506.
Author URL.
thompson M, Komporozos-Athanasiou A (2015). The role of emotion in enabling and conditioning public deliberation outcomes: a macro-level analysis.
Public Administration,
93(4), 1138-1151.
thompson M (2014). Similarity and Difference: the shared ontology and diverse epistemologies of practice theory. A review of. Davide Nicolini (2012) Practice Theory, Work & Organization: an Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (PB, pp. 320, US$40.50, ISBN 978-0199231591). Ephemera
Fishenden J, Thompson M (2013). Digital government, open architecture, and innovation: Why public sector it will never be the same again.
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,
23(4), 977-1004.
Digital government, open architecture, and innovation: Why public sector it will never be the same again.
This article argues that the future of public services will be shaped increasingly by the evolution of global, Internet-enabled, digital platforms, with two distinctive technical and commercial features. First, use of open standards and architectures that separate standard business logic from supporting applications will allow government to become technology- and vendor-agnostic, freeing it from its overdependence on proprietary systems and suppliers. Second, over time, open standards and increased market choice will drive both innovation and progressive convergence on cheaper, standard "utility" public services. These two features will combine to create a powerful dynamic situation, driving disintegration of traditional "black boxed" technologies and services, traditionally organized around "systems integrators" and departmental structures, and their reaggregation around the citizen in the form of services. Such reaggregation is allowing progressively sharp distinctions between niche/innovative and commodity/standard offerings, supplied by a plural, innovative, and more cost-effective marketplace, with unprecedented implications for the way in which the state buys and deploys technology. We draw on a range of data from across public and private sectors to illustrate our argument and identify some key policy and implementation recommendations. © 2013 the Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Inc. All rights reserved.
Thompson M (2012). People, practice, and technology: Restoring Giddens' broader philosophy to the study of information systems.
22(3), 188-207.
Author URL.
36(4), 754-773.
Author URL.
Thompson M, Walsham G (2010). ICT Research in Africa: Need for a Strategic Developmental Focus.
16(2), 112-127.
Author URL.
Thompson M (2023). Public Sector Innovation Conference 2023 Chair's Summary. Digital Leaders Public Sector Innovation Conference 2023. RSA, London. 14th - 14th Mar 2023
Thompson M (2019). "The death of the vertical! What transforming really means.". Transformation through Technology Conference, 24 May 2012, the Barbican, London, UK. London.
Pujadas R, Thompson M, Venters W, Wardley S (2019). Building situational awareness in the age of service ecosystems. 27th European Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems for a Sharing Society. Stockholm. 8th - 14th Jun 2019
Building situational awareness in the age of service ecosystems.
Thompson M (2019). Chair's opening remarks. 13th Annual National Digital Conference. London.
Thompson M, Holgeid K, Stray V, Krogstie J (2018). Strategizing for Successful IT Projects in the Digital Era. International Research Workshop on IT Project Management 2018, Association for Information Systems AIS. San Francisco.
Strategizing for Successful IT Projects in the Digital Era.
Thompson M (2017). Chair's opening remarks. 12th Annual National Digital Conference. London.
Thompson M (2016). Chair's opening remarks. ND16: Building the Nation's Digital DNA. London.
Thompson M (2015). Digital: Chair's opening remarks. 10th annual National Digital Conference (ND15). London.
Thompson M (2014). "Digital and the forthcoming election.". How Technology can Reinvent Government, Policy Exchange Media Roundtable, 4 April 2014, London, UK. London.
Thompson M (2014). "Embracing platforms (Chair and opening remarks).". Govnet Government ICT 2014 Conference, 14 January 2014, QEII Conference Centre, London, England. London.
Thompson M (2014). "Preparing for political change.". SOCITM Spring Conference, 9 April 2014, the Barbican, London, UK. London.
Thompson M, Komporozos-Athanasiou A (2014). A performative framework for measuring accountability in healthcare organizations. Biennial International Conference in Organisational Behaviour in Health Care (9th), 23-25 April 2014. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark. 23rd - 23rd Apr 2014
Thompson M, Komporozos-Athanasiou A (2014). Using affect theory to conceptualise emotion in patient and public involvement. EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, July 3–5, 2014. Rotterdam. 3rd - 5th Jul 2014
Thompson M (2013). "Developing digital capacity (Chair and opening/closing remarks).". Digital Leaders' Conference, 3-4 December 2013, Microsoft UK, London, England. Lodon.
Thompson M (2013). "Digital government and platform.". Digital Panel, Conservative Party Conference, 29 September 2013, Manchester, UK. Manchester.
Thompson M (2013). "Digital government and platforms.". Digital Panel, Labour Party Conference, 23 September 2013, Brighton, UK. Brighton.
Thompson M (2013). "Going digital (Chair and opening/closing remarks).". National Digital Conference, 11-12 June 2013, Congress Centre, London, England. London.
Thompson M (2013). "Public ICT for the future (Chair and opening remarks).". Govnet Government Technology 2.0 Conference, 25 September 2013, QEII Conference Centre, London, England. London.
Thompson M (2013). "The death of the vertical: government's new IT strategy (Keynote).". Transforming the Public Sector and Focusing on Growth: E-government Conference (Boussias Conferences), 16 May 2013, Athens, Greece. Athens.
Thompson M (2012). "Digital government, open architecture, and innovation: why nothing can be the same again." In. the Charity and Finance Directors Association (CFDG) Annual IT Conference. Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK. London.
Thompson M (2012). "The death of the vertical! Grasping cloud's implications for the public sector.". Govnet Next Steps for Government ICT Conference, 13 September 2012, QE11 Conference Centre, London, UK. London.
Thompson M (2012). Doing business with SMEs. HM Government Public Procurement Briefing 2012: Driving a Culture of Innovation and Enterprise with SMEs. Lodon.
Thompson M (2012). Keynote panel discussion with Lord Freud, Paula Venellis (Chief Executive of the Post Office) and Lord Erroll on public sector organisational reform.". Go On: ND2012, National Digital Conference (7th), 30-31 May 2012, Old Billingsgate, London, UK. London. 30th - 31st May 2012
Thompson M (2011). "Digital government, open architecture, and innovation: why nothing can be the same again.". SOCITM (Society of Information Technology Management) Conference, 1 December 2011, Birmingham NEC, Birmingham, UK. Birmingham.
Thompson M (2010). Ontological creep within organisation studies: the case of communities of practice. EGOS Colloquium, 26th, 28 June-3 July 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. Lisbon. 28th Jun - 3rd Jul 2010