
Call for proposals via DEAS Network+: Financial Services

The Digitally Enhanced Advanced Services (DEAS) Network+ has released a call inviting proposals for research that addresses the challenges of one of our industry partners from Financial Services (EHAB and HMRC). Proposals are invited up to £20,000 (Full Economic Cost) that address the call criteria. The call is of interest to researchers in Finance and […]

Challenges and Opportunities in Manufacturing Today

Recently, I ran an online workshop for organisations to gain a clearer understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing supply chain design, integration and optimisation within manufacturing today. These are some of the issues we considered: Your customer is always connected In today’s business world, there are massive transformations happening across supply chains as a result of […]

Trusted Archives of Digital Public Records (ARCHANGEL)

As a partner in the ARCHANGEL project we are delighted that the paper ARCHANGEL: Tamper-proofing Video Archives using Temporal Content Hashes on the Blockchain has just won the Best Blockchain Application Award at the prestigious Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition aka CVPR conference. ARCHANGEL responds to the urgent need of safeguarding archives in a rapidly […]

Has Blockchain Lost its Mojo?

The interest and excitement around blockchain technology seems to know no bounds. Every day I see new articles, companies, and announcements declaring its virtues. Even watching the TV I was astounded to see a 30 second advert finish with the bold statement that this payment infrastructure was better because it was “…secured by blockchain”. Is […]