New Models for New Normal
Dr Zena Wood recently contributed comments to an article in Market People Magazine (page 13), in reference to her appearance as part of London Market Forums New World Series The pandemic and subsequent change in the working environment, has demonstrated that existing models can be adapted. The need to have offices based in expensive central […]
Gift Aid project could see charities pocket £560m extra a year
We are contributing our expertise in digital economy and payments to a project to automate Gift Aid donations and potentially unlock more than £560 million for charities every year. Gift Aid, a form of tax relief in which a charity can claim an extra 25p for every pound donated, has boosted charitable donations since it […]
Combatting the Male Mental Health Crisis in Corporate Culture
With World Mental Health Day coming up on Saturday 10 October, we revisit David Plans’ insights into male mental health in corporate culture. Corporate culture and practice have gone through significant change over the years. From the deeply sexist and toxic Mad Men-esque environments of the ’60s and ’70s, to the mind-numbing and isolating cubicle-based […]
The Future of Data in Healthcare
The Coronavirus pandemic has shown data science in healthcare in good and bad lights depending on your viewpoint and beliefs. This is a short high-level view (written before March!) which looked at things that need to change. Looking back at how technology and data have changed the landscape of our lives over the past two […]
How unprocessed trauma is stored in the body
The truth is that trauma is not just “in your head” The impact of trauma on mental health can be devastating. When all is well, our brain is the greatest supercomputer on earth. A complex network of about 100 billion neurons, it’s not only great at processing and organising information — it’s really, really fast. […]
Academy of Management Award
INDEX is proud to say that our Stavros Polykarpou has won an award. The Academy of Management has given an OCIS Division Best Paper Award to a paper co-authored by Stavros. The paper, Place and Organizing for Emerging Technologies-Challenges of Scaling 3DPrinting Across a UK Hospital, examines how the role of place shapes the way […]
Your Algorithm Doesn’t Know me!
In the UK to deal with lack of exams during the Covid lockdown, they turned to automated decision making via algorithms. How did that work out for you then? Deciding important matters using algorithms has been part of life for a long time. Yet the current A-level results fiasco reminds us that data science and […]
IT Heroics Kept Us Working Through the Last 6 Months. Now We Must Deal with the Technical Debt.
Whenever you move quickly to solve problems and deliver changes you risk the chance that you will introduce errors due to omission, ineffective testing, and lack of time to deepen your understanding of the real needs. This challenge is well known in software development and is usually known as “technical debt“. Designing and building complex […]
Using and Abusing Data in Times of Crisis
Data, data everywhere…but what does it all mean? As digital technologies drive new ways to generate, manage, and share data, the search is on for innovative approaches to use it to improve decision making. This has never been more true than in the midst of the volatility and uncertainty we face today as the world […]
The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of EdTech
Perhaps no surprise to many of you, but one area receiving a big boost over the past few months has been online education tools. The EdTech sector has been building for over 2 decades. Remember a few years ago when MOOCs were going to be the death of universities? That didn’t happen….and in retrospect, for […]