Digital Innovation: Cycling and Local Government Workshop

DIGIT Lab’s Prof Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen, with Dr Boyeun Lee and partners See.Sense, brought together stakeholders across the cycling, and local government across the UK to develop ideas for behavioural change and generate planning infrastructure from data. Leading to several new ideas generated from a data-driven approach.
DIGIT Lab team member, Professor Mark Thompson, will once again chair this year’s Public Sector Innovation Conference on 13 March

Hosted at RSA House in London, the conference aims to explore the impact and opportunities of artificial intelligence (AI) in public services. It will focus on innovative AI applications, ethical considerations, and the need for modern, collaborative public sector structures. This event is crucial for business leaders and managers interested in the integration of AI technologies to […]
Jadu appoints Professor Mark Thompson as a Non-Executive Director to its Board of Directors

Jadu has announced the appointment of Professor Mark Thompson, to its Board of Directors as a Non-Executive Director to support the company’s vision, strategy and growth. The new position officially started on the 1st of October 2023. Professor Thompson is closely associated with the push for the adoption of open standards and the drive for […]
Fairmiles Stakeholder Roundtable to agree steps for a fair transition to net zero

is holding a stakeholder roundtable meeting in London on the 15th of December to engage policymakers from government and the private sector and agree steps to ensure there is a fair transition to net zero for developing country food producers. The roundtable meeting will be hosted by the University of Exeter and follows the COP28 […]
Digital twinning network launched after securing £3m funding

A new research network to help transform the UK’s capabilities in digital twinning will be established with £3m of funding secured from UKRI. The Digital Twinning NetworkPlus (DTNet+) will be led by The Alan Turing Institute, with stakeholders from government, industry and academia including the University of Exeter. It will encourage new collaboration and innovation […]
Article in latest ICCPM CONNECT e-magazine

An article by Alan Brown has appeared in the latest issue of ICCPM CONNECT e-magazine: Issue 47
Connected Everything Report: Digital World 2050

Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen and Roger Maull took part in the roundtable discussions for this report. Roger is also a member of Connected Everything’s Executive group. Find out more about the report on the Connected Everything website or read the full report via Figshare.
Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen joins the non-for-profit Foundation Design for Good

Design for Good brings together designers around the world with a shared goal of improving lives through human-centred design. Their products and services are donated fully open source and developed with impacted communities.The founding alliance includes General Mills, Lixil, Logitech, Nedbank, Nestlé, McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, Pepsico, Philips and Royal College of Art. The design […]
The Digital Podcast: Mark Thompson – Digitalizing Government and Public Sector Organizations

Mark discusses the challenges and opportunities of transforming government and public sector organizations with digital technology. The Digital Podcast explores how different organizations transform the way they create and capture value with digital technology. The podcast is technology- and sector-agnostic and examines both incumbents’ and new startups’ innovative uses of digital technologies. The Digital Podcast […]
Mark Thompson joins Digital Leaders’ Advisory Board

Mark Thompson has joined the advisory board for Digital Leaders. “This is an important time for digital leadership, when understanding the impact of the fast-moving digital economy on organisations, culture, government, and the environment presents one of the very biggest challenges facing our society.” – Mark Thompson Mark has chaired Digital Leaders’ main annual conference […]