Talks series – Digital Transformation: A View from Beyond the Horizon
Series of five talks, one for each day of Digital Leaders Week (Monday–Friday 14–18 June, 1pm). ? Watch on demand now Jump to: Talk 1: DIGIT Lab: Accelerating Digital Innovation for Growth, Impact and Transformation Talk 2: Lessons in Driving Adoption of Digital Technology Talk 3: New business models of the Digital Economy Talk 4: […]
Kryptonite: Five Ways You’re Different Than Super(wo)man.
For Mental Health Awareness week, here’s a piece I wrote for Forbes. Super ambitions and super goals make for super pain, so I offer several strategies to cope with the superhuman expectations for ourselves. In my last article, I urged us to commit to changing workplace mental health by reducing stigma. As leaders, I asked […]
Assessing COVID-19’s Mortality Trend

I recently co-authored a paper exploring 28-day mortality for patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in England over the first 5 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the opening paragraphs here, and the full article on the Journal of Hospital Medicine website. The early phase of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK) […]
A Wearable That Knows How You Feel

Fitness trackers are now part of our every day lives, whether it’s a wearable on our wrist, or our smartphone tacking our sleep cycles. This plethora of health data presents an opportunity. Typically, few analytics are fed back to the user, limited in both range and timescale. We took a broader approach; we investigated whether […]
Employee Wellbeing 2021: Roll Up Your Virtual Shirtsleeves
As multiple reports have shown, there’s a global talent shortage that could cost the world’s economies about $8.5 trillion in unrealized annual revenue. It is already fairly evident that governments and organizations will need to establish adequate recruitment strategies to attract talent to close the skills gap, which is almost double what it was a decade ago. Incoming […]
Workplace Culture: Let’s Take This Opportunity To Make Lasting Changes
‘May you live in interesting times,’ an English expression whose origin is commonly (and very probably wrongly) understood to be a Chinese curse, seems particularly relevant right now. It’s definitely an interesting time in which to live. Democracies hacked. Public health in peril. Economies under pressure. And amongst all these challenges, we have to keep […]
Combatting the Male Mental Health Crisis in Corporate Culture
With World Mental Health Day coming up on Saturday 10 October, we revisit David Plans’ insights into male mental health in corporate culture. Corporate culture and practice have gone through significant change over the years. From the deeply sexist and toxic Mad Men-esque environments of the ’60s and ’70s, to the mind-numbing and isolating cubicle-based […]
How unprocessed trauma is stored in the body
The truth is that trauma is not just “in your head” The impact of trauma on mental health can be devastating. When all is well, our brain is the greatest supercomputer on earth. A complex network of about 100 billion neurons, it’s not only great at processing and organising information — it’s really, really fast. […]
Turning the Spotlight on Mental Health during a Global Pandemic
Mental health during COVID-19. Well, there’s a topic I didn’t anticipate writing about this year. The current global atmosphere may feel like the opening credits of an apocalyptic thriller, however despite ‘Contagion’, and ‘I am Legend’ trending on Netflix, there is one storyline Hollywood forgot to narrate. The unscripted little brother to any global health crisis; its […]