
Facebook and the Next Stage of the Digital Meta-morphosis

I have never liked being Alan Brown. It feels like such a boring name. Too easily forgotten or confused with so many others with the same identity. Apparently, I was going to be called Alex, but there was a change of mind at the last minute. But I am not sure that would have helped […]

Spring Forward: Why Now is the Time to Reassess Your Digital Values

Just a few days ago I had my first Covid vaccination jab. After more than a year of various levels of lockdown, this seems like such a big personal step forward for me and many others. And while there is still a long way to go, it is certainly starting to feel as though we […]

Doing Digital Differently: Learnings on Data, Collective Action, and Social Value

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of chairing the Digital Leaders Third Public Sector Innovation Conference. It was a really interesting day: there was a palpable realisation by us all that something had changed during the pandemic, and that the need to accelerate digital and data-enabled transformation of public services was more universally accepted than […]

Design Sprint! Engaging Students in Real Time Collaborative Learning

How we’re engaging students in real-time collaborative learning By last autumn, it was looking like online learning in some form or other would be here to stay – so we decided to develop an innovative, “stand out” digital learning experience which went beyond students’ expectations of day to day online learning activities. The aim was […]

Assessing COVID-19’s Mortality Trend

I recently co-authored a paper exploring 28-day mortality for patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in England over the first 5 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the opening paragraphs here, and the full article on the Journal of Hospital Medicine website. The early phase of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK) […]

Employee Wellbeing 2021: Roll Up Your Virtual Shirtsleeves

As multiple reports have shown, there’s a global talent shortage that could cost the world’s economies about $8.5 trillion in unrealized annual revenue. It is already fairly evident that governments and organizations will need to establish adequate recruitment strategies to attract talent to close the skills gap, which is almost double what it was a decade ago. Incoming […]

A Year to Remember

This year has been remarkable for many reasons, not least the acceleration of digital transformation. Here are just a few highlights from us at INDEX. Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen joined our team in April. She has published 5 papers, taken part in 3 conferences and written 2 journal articles (on data-driven orthoses design and shared understanding within distributed […]

Digital Transformation: Looking Back, Looking Forwards

It has been exactly a year since the publication of my latest book on “Delivering Digital Transformation: A manager’ guide to the digital revolution”. During that time, an extraordinary period in all of our lives, we have seen many businesses face a fight for survival, endured personal challenges that have redefined how we view the […]

Workplace Culture: Let’s Take This Opportunity To Make Lasting Changes

‘May you live in interesting times,’ an English expression whose origin is commonly (and very probably wrongly) understood to be a Chinese curse, seems particularly relevant right now. It’s definitely an interesting time in which to live. Democracies hacked. Public health in peril. Economies under pressure. And amongst all these challenges, we have to keep […]

Avoiding Food Shortages: Lessons Learned From Covid-19

At the start of the first lockdown, images of depleted supermarket shelves sparked fears of food shortages. In early April 2020, we saw headlines like “Coronavirus UK: Fears over food shortages rise as pandemic disrupts imported goods” and “Coronavirus broke the global food supply chain. It may never recover”. However, this was a very short […]