Helping to build Digital Jersey

DIGIT Lab played an important role in helping evolve Digital Jersey’s strategy. Alan Brown (DIGIT Lab Director) facilitated two-day workshop event saw attendees from private and public sector companies, as well as education and government, recognising that everyone has to work together in order to make the most of digital opportunities. 

This workshop featured in Jersey Evening Post

“I found Alan and his DIGIT Lab’s colleagues wider perspectives on digital transformation both thought-provoking and valuable, as did the mixed public and private sector audience.”
Dave Birch, Independent Advisor

Released earlier this year, the Digital Jersey 5-year strategy outlines the ambitions, focus areas, and key milestones for the next phase of digital transformation taking place across Jersey. While broad in scope, it highlights the role and impact of digital transformation in 4 key areas: Infrastructure, Industry, Government, and People. Within each of these themes the strategy considers the current context and lays out a vision for how Jersey can succeed in moving forward over the next few years.

The strategy document was released in Spring 2021. Over the Summer, many people have had the opportunity to read this strategy and contribute their views. Now, an intense 2-day workshop was convened in a further effort to explore the key aspects of the Digital Jersey strategy and engage with a wide audience to share their perspectives on Jersey’s digital future.

The workshops held on 29/30 September 2021 brought together a key set of stakeholders from the 4 key areas identified in the strategy with the aim of reviewing the core initiatives underway, sharing different perspectives on future digital opportunities for Jersey, and beginning the task of elaborating the steps required across Jersey’s diverse community to accelerate digital transformation in all its forms. These sessions were chaired by Alan Brown, Professor in Digital Economy at the University of Exeter, and Dave Birch, a well-known author and advisor in digital finance.

“The support from DIGIT Lab and the University of Exeter was a critical component of the success of this workshop”. “By providing the backing and support of the DIGIT Lab team we ensure that these workshops deliver more meaningful insights that drive real impact in Jersey’s digital transformation journey over the next 5 years”.

“Input from Professor Brown and the DIGIT Lab team was critical in creating the Digital Jersey 5-year strategy. Their support in coordinating these workshops has helped coordinate response to the strategy across government, industry, and the wider Jersey community”.

“Professor Brown’s expert facilitation of the workshop received a great response from everyone who attended. Over the 2 days he played a key role in bringing together the broad set of viewpoints represented to highlight the collaborative and connected nature of Jersey’s ecosystem and the need to work together to harness that”.
Tony Moretta, CEO at Digital Jersey

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