PhD Applications

We welcome PhD applications

Send an enquiry today, to Saeema or Roger.

Contact Saeema (data or society themes), or Contact Roger (digital innovation themes)

Overarching themes

Data-driven design, data for health, individual data for storage (Contact Saeema)

Digital and society
Ethics, inclusion (of technology), digital health, public services (Contact Saeema)

Digital and innovation
Innovative business models, data-driven design, automation of services, smart cities (Contact Roger)

Funding opportunities

General page for PhD funding in University of Exeter Business School.  

PhD funding in University of Exeter.


If you have questions, contact:

Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen

Who might be your supervisor?

Picture of Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen

Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen

Impact and integration of disruptive digital technologies on:

• Data-driven design/customisation of products

• Knowledge and data structuring, (engineering design/manufacturing)

• Creativity and Design cognition

• Quantify and predicting user experience (e.g. emotional responses, comfort)

• Agile product development

Picture of Ji Han

Ji Han

• Data-driven design and innovation

• AI in design

• Design creativity and computational creativity

• Computational design support tools

• Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing for design

Picture of Beth Kewell

Beth Kewell

• Blockchain and DLTs as ethical innovations

• Science policy-making in relation to blockchain innovations

• Inclusion and diversity in the blockchain world

• Ethics or the scientific uncertainties and risks raised by new digital technologies of different kinds, including AI

• Pandemics /COVID 19, supporting efforts to reduce the impact of pandemics using digital technology

Picture of Roger Maull

Roger Maull

• Digital Economy and new business models

• How to measure variety?

• What is the value of data?

• How do individual’s manage data?

• How do organisations share data?

Picture of Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson

• Transforming to new digital business models

• Use of platform thinking to transform public services

• The importance of the affective dimension in organization studies and information systems