Funded Value:
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Lead Research Organisation:
University of Exeter
Principal Investigators:
Professor Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen
Professor Helen Dawes
Dr. Nigel Acheson
Professor Sheena Asthana
Professor Richard Byng
Mr. Jonathan Higman
Professor Claire Hulme
Dr. Ji Han
Professor Umesh Kadam
Dr. Kristin Liabo
Professor Stuart Logan
Professor G.J. Melendez-Torres
Professor Nav Mustafee
Dr. Chris Reid
Mr. Jon Siddall
Professor Mark Thompson
Professor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova
Professor Shang-Ming Zhou
The Southwest of England has a population of 1.5 million in rural and coastal areas across Somerset, Cornwall and Devon. It has sparse spread but significant numbers of deprived and ageing populations with Multiple Long-Term Conditions (MLTCs), with the least number of healthcare professionals per capita. Addressing these challenges requires crucial research and innovation. The project is seed funding enabling the development of a full HUB proposal employing a systems engineering approach to transition to patient centric services for people with multiple long-term conditions. The Hub’s focus, co-created with our partners (patients/carers and health and social care professionals), will be on coastal and rural regions and improving coordination and continuity of care for MLTCs.