Fixing public services: Thoughts from the Labour and Conservative Conference Fringes

the only ones laughing are the armies of tech suppliers and consultants they will need to pay to make this happen over and again
Exeter expert to outline radical reforms to UK public services that could save millions

Originally posted on University of Exeter news The UK’s public services could be saved from ‘falling off a cliff’ if administrative functions in areas such as council tax collection utilised cloud-based online platforms. Mark Thompson, a Professor of Digital Economy at the University of Exeter and member of Digit Lab, is set to make this […]
Sandpit Held – Redesigning Health Services for Multiple Long-Term Conditions: A systems engineering approach

SPHERE (Systems and People-Centric Innovation in Healthcare Redesign) is a NIHR/EPSRC funded project led by Professors Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen and Helen Dawes, working to tackle these challenges through a collaborative approach. A multidisciplinary team from the University of Exeter and the University of Plymouth, including experts in Engineering Design, Simulation, Medicine, and other fields. This team […]
A local government GDS might work – but only on top of standard technology

By Mark Thompson • Originally posted in Computer Weekly The old debate about an equivalent of the Government Digital Service for local authorities has swung round again – but it will only ever work if it’s founded on common standards and technologies Recent murmurs of a local government equivalent to Whitehall’s Government Digital Service (GDS) […]
A local government GDS might work – but only on top of standard technology

By Mark Thompson • Originally posted in Computer Weekly The old debate about an equivalent of the Government Digital Service for local authorities has swung round again – but it will only ever work if it’s founded on common standards and technologies Recent murmurs of a local government equivalent to Whitehall’s Government Digital Service (GDS) […]
Digital Innovation: Cycling and Local Government Workshop

DIGIT Lab’s Prof Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen, with Dr Boyeun Lee and partners See.Sense, brought together stakeholders across the cycling, and local government across the UK to develop ideas for behavioural change and generate planning infrastructure from data. Leading to several new ideas generated from a data-driven approach.
Jadu appoints Professor Mark Thompson as a Non-Executive Director to its Board of Directors

Jadu has announced the appointment of Professor Mark Thompson, to its Board of Directors as a Non-Executive Director to support the company’s vision, strategy and growth. The new position officially started on the 1st of October 2023. Professor Thompson is closely associated with the push for the adoption of open standards and the drive for […]
A huge problem for society

It’s this stark: our precious public services cannot possibly survive for much longer in their current form. Take social housing, for example. The sector is suffering from a ‘perfect storm’ of a major cost of living crisis, inflation in the cost of repairs, continuing fallout from the 2015–19 rent reductions, ageing property portfolios, erosion of […]
Assessing the Health of Digital Health

Here is a blog that I wrote in February this year, around the time that I was working with the UK government Open Innovation Team with one of their projects looking at the use of AI in the NHS. My analysis feels even more fitting six months on! The last few months have been particularly […]
Hospital IT and reputation
Originally posted on the University of Cambridge’s Judge Business School website (2019). A study co-authored by INDEX’s Stavros Polykarpou and Michael Barrett of Cambridge Judge Business School focuses on the ongoing and potentially fickle relationship between hospital IT investment and the hospital’s reputation. Owing to institutional pressures including funding and organisational constraints, healthcare practitioners have […]