Now published on the Digital Leaders platform, Professor Alan Brown has been considering the implications of the current crisis on digital technology platforms, and some of the lessons that can be drawn from this. Digital Leaders is a shared professional online space and face-to-face programme promoting digital transformation best practices that has a subscriber list containing over 60,000 people across all sectors.

In this article, Alan has highlighted that “a sudden, huge shift to online activities has driven internet demand in new directions, both in terms of scale and the kinds of patterns of use. Over a few short weeks, the ways in which people are interacting via internet-based services have changed significantly.” One of the biggest lessons, he points out, is the resilience and scalability of this infrastructure in the face of this demand. Has this forced us to shift our thinking toward Big Tech platforms as digital utilities? If so, what are the short and long term implications of the change of perspective?

Go take a look at his article at Digital Leaders to find out more.