Watercoolers: can we replace random daily contact?
Ahead of World Mental Health Day, here’s a piece I wrote for Forbes. As we move into hybrid work and the next normal, do we need to schedule our unscheduled encounters? How do we replace the daily contact we used to have with people in our offices, those glass palaces in which we used to spend so […]
DIGIT Lab Launch: Chair’s Reflections
A Roaring Success! 187 people registered for the launch We received follow-on engagement from c. 25 people in the following week The event stimulated discussion, new ideas, and more formal enquires We also saw a 17% increase in social media engagement The success and impact of the launch has also created opportunity to create other […]
How taxes could be less taxing
If the only certainties in life are death and taxes, we owe it to ourselves to live a good life, and we owe it to each other to make taxes as fair and efficient as possible. The UK tax authority, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, (HMRC) is busy working on the efficiency part. They are […]
Ensuring a Sustainable Future for the Insurance Sector
By Zena Wood and Phil Godsiff Originally posted on London Market Forums website Sustainability and sustainable development are now recognised as crucial to the health of the planet and its people. The International Institute of Sustainable Development says that development is sustainable if it ‘meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of […]
Nature Food: A trust framework for digital food systems
From paper co-authored by Roger Maull and Phil Godsiff, with Steve Brewer, Simon Pearson, Jeremy G. Frey, Andrea Zisman, Gerard Parr, Andrew McMillan, Sarah Cameron, Hannah Blackmore, Louise Manning and Luc Bidaut The food system is increasingly reliant on a multitude of data-driven technologies that connect global supply chains and underpin productivity, trade and security. Improved governance of data exchange – through […]
How accurate are online symptom checkers?
From paper by Adam Ceney, Stephanie Tolond, Andrzej Glowinski, Ben Marks, Simon Swift, and Tom Palser. In 2013, the World Health Organisation reported that the world was short of 7.2 million healthcare professionals of all disciplines. This is predicted to grow to 12.9 million by 2035. Primary care is particularly affected, with severe shortages being […]
Digital Transformation in Animal Health: Is its Bark Worse than its Bite?
In the UK we love our pets. And in these troubled times, even more people have turned to them with a reported 3.2 million new pet owners since the start of lockdown. Consumer spending on pets in the UK was over £7.8 Billion in 2020. No surprise, then, that digital devices for monitoring and managing pets, especially dogs, are […]
Delivering impact: Mark Thompson on blending research, policy, and practice
“I’m pretty obsessed with the role that technology can play in safeguarding our public services for future generations…” In this video, Mark Thompson discusses the practicalities, challenges, and benefits of blending roles in research, policy, and practice.
National Digital Conference 2021: Chair’s Blog
On 15 June, I again had the honour of chairing the Digital Leaders National Digital Conference. Whilst preparing my opening remarks, I was struck by the sweep of change that digital leaders have discussed at this event over the past decade and a half. Beginning when ‘digital’ was a relatively new and exciting concept, our […]
Kryptonite: Five Ways You’re Different Than Super(wo)man.
For Mental Health Awareness week, here’s a piece I wrote for Forbes. Super ambitions and super goals make for super pain, so I offer several strategies to cope with the superhuman expectations for ourselves. In my last article, I urged us to commit to changing workplace mental health by reducing stigma. As leaders, I asked […]