EPSRC Impact Accelerator Account (IAA) Awards

A group of five diverse professionals, three men and two women, are gathered together in a bright and modern office environment. They are all dressed in business attire, with one man wearing glasses and another sporting a beard

Funded Value:


Project Status:

Lead Research Organisation: 
University of Exeter

Principal Investigators: 
Prof Roger Maull
Prof Sarah Hartley
Dr Gokcen Yilmaz

DIGIT Lab has been awarded a total of £46k for three EPSRC Impact Accelerator Account (IAA) Awards projects. These projects are led by Prof R Maull, Prof S Hartley (DIGIT Lab investigator and Professor Of Technology Governance University of Exeter), and Dr G Yilmaz:

The EPSRC IAA aims to support and enable knowledge exchange (KE) and impact from research falling within the EPSRC remit. This allows researchers to respond to opportunities in flexible, responsive, and creative ways.