Researchers from INDEX have been involved in both developing blockchain usecases to beta-test level and examining its fortunes as an emergent technology, which continues to inspire disruptive thinking. Using constructs from Science and Technology Studies (STS), Dr Kewell has written about the sense of promise that has become associated with blockchain and how, on many occasions, it relates to constructs of doing good.
Women Innovators and the Blockchain Ecosystem
Dr Beth Kewell and Dr Tala Salah will be working together on a new project, which combines Beth’s interests in blockchain with Tala’s expertise in the study of female entrepreneurship.
As a team, they are interested in exploring how blockchain technology is changing the way the business world works, including how it thinks about entrepreneurship. Our project thereby aims to begin an all-important process of recording, for posterity, the contributions made by UK-based women entrepreneurs to this newly emerging field of expertise. We would, therefore, love to hear your views on the sector and how it is evolving!
Our research is funded in kind by INDEX and the University of Exeter Business School. Our research plans have been scrutinised and we have received a favourable ethical opinion from Exeter Business School’s Ethics Committee.
We hope that our Participant Information Sheet answers all of your questions. Please feel free to email Beth Kewell if you have any further queries about the aims of our research.
The interviewers
Dr Beth Kewell
Dr Beth Kewell is part of the Initiative in the Digital Economy at Exeter University Business School (INDEX), where she brings expertise in societal risk analysis and Science and Technology Studies (STS) to her role as a Senior Lecturer in the Digital Economy. Beth’s contribution to INDEX has focused, respectively, on documenting the promissory potential and evolving ethics of blockchain technology as an emerging innovation in computer science and business. She has previously held posts at the University of Surrey (CoDE), The University of Stavanger (SEROS) and The York Management School, where she participated in the REMEDiE Project as a Co-Investigator.
Dr Tala Salah
Dr. Tala Salah A.R. Abuhussein is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the University of Petra, Amman-Jordan. She completed a PhD specialising in Quality Management in Higher Education via Cardiff Metropolitan University, in 2016. Tala is active in research, participating in two EU sponsored projects, respectively entitled The Female Academic Role Model: Empowerment, Equality and Sustainability at Universities in Mediterranean Regions – Towards Agenda 2030 and Entrepreneurship and Creativity/ Tech Start-Up Development (SPARK Jordan / SPARK Amsterdam). To date, Tala’s research outputs have focused on quality assurance and management, internal audit, gender-based stereotyping, entrepreneurship, religion and culture. She is interested in broadening the scope of her research to include female entrepreneurship in the context of digital innovation.
We need you
Beth and Tala are looking for women contributors who are blockchain enthusiasts, developers, entrepreneurs, financiers, adopters, and critics.
We’d love to chat to you, especially if you’re passionate about what you do. We’re researching how blockchain ecosystems support a diversity of entrepreneurs. We would ideally like to arrange to interview people with a range of perspectives on the blockchain universe, for about 1 hour of their time.
Sign up
Beth and Tala are looking for women contributors who are blockchain enthusiasts, developers, entrepreneurs, financiers, adopters, and critics.
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash