Living through a digital revolution – what’s next for large established organisations?
Just published at Digital Leaders, Professor Alan Brown has been considering the implications of the current crisis on digital transformation at Large Established Organizations (LEOs). For LEOs the impact of moving to digital ways of working is a complex journey. With all such change, major barriers must be addressed, especially for LEOs. Overcoming inertia, dealing […]
From Big Tech Platforms to Digital Utilities
Now published on the Digital Leaders platform, Professor Alan Brown has been considering the implications of the current crisis on digital technology platforms, and some of the lessons that can be drawn from this. Digital Leaders is a shared professional online space and face-to-face programme promoting digital transformation best practices that has a subscriber list […]
Public Sector Innovation Conference: Chair’s Blog
By Mark Thompson (pictured) Like ‘digital transformation’, innovation is an over-used and under-examined term. This applies within business generally, but more especially within the public sector, where there are limits to the amount of disruption and risk that it is considered acceptable to carry within the public domain. Further, a range of questions arises when government […]
Big Data Analytics change modern organisations from within
Organisations implementing big data analytics want to reap many benefits these solutions promise. But what are the hidden costs? Organisations push to implement big data analytics to improve access to information, know their customers and employees more, make better decisions and gain competitive advantage. Vast streams of data and sophisticated analytics are often perceived as […]
Turbocharging localism
Post-election, the government now has headspace to consider some more ambitious policies for the coming few years. How will it wield its power? By devolving it, perhaps? Localism is gaining traction – but critically, we need to understand the concept differently. It needs redefining for the age of readily-consumable digital services. At the moment, it’s being used […]
How to survive an industrial revolution
It is sometimes difficult to number revolutions. But some economists would say we’re experiencing the fifth industrial revolution: the Information and Communications version. They call earlier revolutions as: 1. Industrial 2. Railways and steam 3. Steel electricity and heavy engineering 4. Oil, cars and mass production Each one significantly changed how society was organised: where […]
Welcome to 2020 and a New Data Privacy Gamechanger
Happy New Year…and welcome to 2020. This is definitely a key year for the Digital Economy and its impact on all of us. The last decade has seen increasing awareness of the digitization of our world, and with it the changing attitudes, activities, and aspirations of individuals, businesses, and our society as a whole. Critical […]
Big Data Analytics are impacting your organisation in the ways you never anticipated
We’re all generating data trails on a daily basis. From internet usage to card payments, we all add to vast reserves of data. For businesses and organisations, this offers an opportunity to understand customers. But, constant monitoring can have unintended consequences – effects beyond the theory. For instance, perhaps employees who are monitored start to […]
Wanted: Someone brave enough to fill the biggest job in government digital transformation
After being left vacant for two years, one of the biggest jobs in government tech could soon be filled. But candidates face a long list of challenges. In this article, Professor Mark Thompson provides his thoughts and guidance on the UK Government’s digital transformation and priorities for the incoming Chief Digital and Information Officer. (This […]
Trusted Archives of Digital Public Records (ARCHANGEL)
As a partner in the ARCHANGEL project we are delighted that the paper ARCHANGEL: Tamper-proofing Video Archives using Temporal Content Hashes on the Blockchain has just won the Best Blockchain Application Award at the prestigious Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition aka CVPR conference. ARCHANGEL responds to the urgent need of safeguarding archives in a rapidly […]